Video—A Visual Legacy

Video—A Brief History Blog Image

How Visuals Shaped History and Continue to Connect Us Today.

From ancient cave paintings to today's viral videos, the human desire to visually share stories is timeless. Long before the printing press, cultures, ideas, and beliefs were transmitted through handwritten manuscripts and oral traditions, the sole conduits of communication.

In 1450, Johannes Gutenberg's printing press revolutionized information dissemination, ushering in an era of widespread knowledge and the birth of mass-produced advertisements. The world continued to shrink with the advent of the telephone and radio, bringing auditory communication into homes. These pivotal inventions marked the dawn of accessible communication, laying the foundation for the visual age.

The early to mid-20th century witnessed the transformative power of visual storytelling with the rise of cinema and television. These mediums didn't just narrate; they immersed audiences in visual experiences, reaching vast audiences. Visuals transcend mere storytelling; they embody the narrative, creating a profound connection with viewers.

Building upon this rich legacy of visual communication, platforms like PostItOnline empower individuals and businesses to share their stories effectively. This principle is central to every video and gallery post on PostItOnline, enabling users to visually showcase their products, ideas, and experiences. stands as a modern chapter in this long tradition of visual storytelling, designed to make it work for you.

Begin your visual storytelling journey today. Contact us to learn how to create compelling video and gallery posts that resonate with your audience.
