Everyone has stuff; bags and totes are how you carry it all around with you.
Originally there was a big difference between a tote bag and other bags (like purses and pocketbooks), but now there can be little difference. A tote bag is a large bag, originally made of cloth with two handles and no interior or exterior pockets. It is made to "tote" (carry) things around, especially while shopping or traveling. A handbag was traditionally much smaller and meant to carry around personal things a woman needs in everyday life.
However, nowadays women have handbags that are the size of tote bags and there is a specific class of handbags called totes. It allows you to carry more things every day and to shop, all out of the same bag! Men, who do not generally carry handbags, can carry a tote bag for shopping or traveling.
There is a dizzying number of bags that can be used to carry stuff! They include bucket bags, clutch bags, doctor’s bags, drawstring bags, hobo bags, messenger bags, muff bags, pocketbooks, saddle purses, satchels, and wristlet bags.
From stylish designer purses to the backpacks your kids will beat up on this year, these videos are where you’ll find everything from the smallest wallets to the largest roll-on travel suitcases.