All terrain vehicles (ATV's), also know as light utility vehicles or (LUV's) consist of vehicles that travel on low-pressure tires, with a seat that is typically straddled by the operator and has handlebars. As the name "All Terrain Vehicle" implies they are designed to handle a wider variety of off-road terrain where other vehicles (like cars and trucks) cannot travel on or through. Most ATV's are for single riders, however some offer a passenger seat and are typically referred to as tandem ATV's.
Most ATV's are equipped with 3 or 4 wheels although there are many types with 6 wheels that allow for multiple passengers and are typically known as "Utility Terrain Vehicles" or UTV's. There are also AATV's (Amphibious All Terrain Vehicles) with 4 to 6 wheels that can typically travel on both land and across water. Other types of amphibious recreation vehicles include "Sea Doo's and Jet Ski's" which are smaller than boats and usually provide seating for 1 to 3 riders and can only be used in and travel in "water."
Motorsport or motorsports are terms generally used to encompass a group of sporting events which primarily involves the use of ATV's, UTV's, AATV's, Amphibious Vehicles, Motorcycles or Dirt bikes. Motorsports for two-wheeled motorized vehicles typically fall under motorcycle racing or off-road racing such as motocross. Other forms of motorsport include snowmobiling which can be treated as a hobby or for competitive racing.
Snowmobiles also know as "Ski-Doo, snow-machine, sled, motor sled, motor sledge, skimobile or snow scooters" and are a type of ATV or UTV typically designed for winter travel and recreation on snow and ice.