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3 Tips for Creatively Marketing Your PostItOnline Video

3 Tips for Creatively Marketing Your PostItOnline Video Blog Image
We’re always looking at ways to promote the videos that people and businesses put up on Post-It-Online

-And thought we’d share three quick tips with you today. Do this, and you’ll see more and more views—and, eventually, sales!

  1. Always consider the audience you are trying to reach and ensure that your video is relevant to them. If it doesn't address a problem your target audience wants to solve, you are probably wasting your time.
  2. Don't neglect social media and be sure to promote across multiple channels: send your Facebook friends, your Twitter and LinkedIn followers to your video on Postitonline. If you want to fully realize video's potential, you must make it easy for users to find it. Don't neglect mobile either. Ooyala has claimed a tenth of all video plays happen on mobiles and tablets, and it's an increasingly important segment, with mobile phones holding 41% more share of video consumption at the end of June 2013 than at the start of that year.
  3. Finally, be creative, not only with the videos themselves but in the campaign strategy you build around them. As my head of marketing likes to say, creativity wins over the cost of production every time. Get that bit right and video won't just be the future of content marketing, it'll be the future of content marketing for you