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Should You Use Humor in Your Post-It-Online Video?

Should You Use Humor in Your Post-It-Online Video? Blog Image
Everyone likes to laugh, and many marketers find that humor—when done well—sells.

Of course, the emphasis has to be on that caveat: when done well.

Let’s start with the strategy. Why do you want to use humor? Is your product or service one that lends itself to humor? Will making people laugh make them want to purchase? If the answer is no, then don’t make a humorous video. After all, you’re not making it for you, you’re making it for them.

If, however, the answer is yes, then let’s talk about how to do it. There are in fact a number of good reasons to use humor in marketing:

  • It establishes rapport. Almost everyone loves to laugh. Inoffensive jokes establish likeability and trust.
  • It triggers memorability. Many marketers strive to create “Aha!” moments in customers’ minds. If you make them laugh while at the same time convincing them they need your product or service, then you’ve got a winner.
  • It creates alignment. Effective jokes are based on shared experience, and humor works well when people understand their background.

But… beware, because humor can backfire on you if you don’t use it well. The challenge is simple: you have to actually be funny. Don’t just trust your own judgment on this one—try it out on some friends or colleagues. That’s the only way you’ll find out if your humor is personal or universal.

Here are some items that can help—or hurt—your video when you’re trying to make it funny:

  1. Voice inflection, pitch/tone, parody, imitation, monologue
  2. Gestures, mannerisms, body positioning (especially facial expressions and hands)
  3. Timing, including delay, pause, pace, and cadence
  4. Post-production—pay attention to sound effects, background music, edits

Coming up with funny material that won’t offend anyone requires a lot of thought, work, and communication. You have to plan your jokes—and be honest with yourself when they don’t work.