Video—A Brief History
Cultures, ideas, and beliefs need to be transmitted. Before the invention of the printing press, handwritten and oral traditions were the only way that communication could happen.
But in 1450, Johannes Gutenberg changed the world. The printing press enabled information to spread everywhere; and with it came the first mass-produced advertisements. In 1837, the first commercial telegraph sped up communication over long distances in seconds. And the world continued to get smaller and smaller as the inventions of the telephone and radio brought audio to every home.
But what excites us most here at Post-It-Online is what happened in the early and mid-20th century: the advent first of movies and then of television. This was the first video and imagery, used to reach out to thousands and eventually millions of people.
Video and imagery doesn’t just tell a story—it shows it. And that’s what every video and gallery post here on Post-It-Online does for you: it tells the story of what you want to share and what you want to purchase. takes its place in a long tradition of storytelling, and we’re happy to be making it work for you.
Want to learn more about creating and uploading a video or gallery post? Why not ask us how today?