Post It Online
Find It! Sell It! Promote It!


Before, During, and After: How To Make a Great Video and Post

So you think you’re ready to shoot a video. Great! Here are some “best practices” for you to keep in mind:
  1. Before your recording: Prepare for the video before you start shooting by writing down a clear plan (and, if possible, a script to follow). Who or what is it that you’re going to be talking to? How do you best approach your ideal customer? Think about physicality: where are you shooting? Does the area look cluttered or unprofessional?

How To Tell Your Story in Video and Posts

Do you want to sell something?

Let’s face it: selling is all about communicating, and video is one of the best communication techniques around. Why tell when you can show?

But even visual stories are still just that—stories. And the challenge of sales is to tell your story in a way that differentiates you from all the other stories, that makes you stand out from the competition.

Add It Up With PostItOnline!

You know already that when you’re selling something, the hardest part is describing it to someone else. “A green dress” or “a 2002 Volvo” just doesn’t cut it, right?

Video and images allows you to show exactly what it is you’re selling. You can show someone wearing the dress, someone else driving the car. It allows your buyer to see precisely what it is that they’re getting—and takes the headache out of writing those lengthy descriptions that you have to put together in most online sales forums.