Post It Online
Find It! Sell It! Promote It!


Video Web Presence Optimization: Building Brand Awareness and Loyalty

You’re selling something. It might be a product. It might be a service.

Either way, you’re trying to get people to buy something from you.

This is what we’re going to refer to as your brand.

There are two major challenges for every marketer, regardless of the industry or product involved: getting more people to know about your brand (increasing brand awareness), and keeping your brand at the top of mind of those who already know about it (brand loyalty).

Creating a Description for Your Video Ad and Post

Your description is a powerful tool in getting people on the site to click on your video

—And in getting people who aren’t on Post-It-Online to come to the site and click.

On the other hand, too many people in writing descriptions think only about getting people in, by whatever means necessary. Don’t use keywords that have nothing to do with your product or service. Don’t promise something you can’t deliver. Here are some good ways to create a description that’s accurate and compelling:

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly About Selling Online

So you’re ready to get started with PostItOnline.

Let’s say you have something to sell. You’ll find a buyer, no sweat; but what happens about the payment?

There are lots of sites online, from eBay to Craigslist and more, where people send money back and forth. And, most of the time, it works. Once in a while it doesn’t. By and large, most people are honest. Once in a while someone isn’t.

And we want to make sure that you follow some basic rules to keep yourself safe.

3 Tips for Creatively Marketing Your PostItOnline Video

We’re always looking at ways to promote the videos that people and businesses put up on Post-It-Online

-And thought we’d share three quick tips with you today. Do this, and you’ll see more and more views—and, eventually, sales!

Video's Unparalleled Growth

If it were five years from now do you think you’d be reading this blog—or watching it?

Here’s the thing: according to Cisco, by 2017, video will account for 69% of all consumer internet traffic. 69%! And video-on-demand traffic will have trebled. If that isn’t rapid growth, we don’t know what is!

Tips for Better Sound Quality

A video’s audio quality depends on how you record the sound.

Many users use the built-in microphone on their computer, and that can be a problem, because it picks up all the sound in the room. That’s bad because the sound quality of your voice or your music is compromised by any background noise, electronics, and static your camera or smartphone is picking up.

Video is Your Virtual Salesforce

So here you are at Chances are, you’re probably reading this blog for tips on how to sell something here.

Maybe you have a timeshare you’d like to sell. Maybe you want to promote your nail salon. Maybe you want to advertise roofing services.

And it’s probable that you don’t have an office filled with salespeople busily making calls to find new customers. In fact, you’ve probably never thought much about having a “salesforce.”